Thursday, November 20, 2008

Give Labour a Voice

We currently have a right wing government in Saskatchewan that has launched an all out attack on labour. I have become increasingly disgusted and appalled at the right wing hate machine - the media and their display of biased reporting of events. When does the media in this province stick to the facts of a story? When do they allow a balanced approach? The voice of labour is rarely, if ever, heard. Any stories that are published are published in a negative light.

As we all know, positive stories are rare in today's media. We hear stories of how wonderful it is when corporations make large donations to community organizations (great free advertising and a tax write off to boot - no one ever said they were stupid), yet is there ever a story about the working class men and women who keep this country and these corporations running? All the unsung heroes? Without the efforts of those that labour to make these companies and their owners, and the CEOs wealthy, these companies wouldn't be in a position to donate. And yet any efforts made by organized labour to retain what these workers have fought (and some have died for) is criticized at every turn. I would like to see these big corporations be such wonderful, community minded "people" without their workers. The workers that they see no problem exploiting. And now having a government that backs them in the exploitation and the the media to ensure the government that they are doing the right thing by exploiting the workers that are making them rich!! It has all come together and works like a well oiled machine. You know, a general strike might not be a bad idea, after all.

If you really think this through, you might agree that treating employees well is a good thing. How many times have I heard the same old BS line, "Good employees don't need unions". You know what? You are absolutely right. Good employees DON'T need unions. Bad employers do. For surely, if you are a bad employer, your company will fail because you won't have anyone left to exploit. After all, there IS a labour shortage.

Back to the bias. When someone disagrees with someone, say, oh hosting a hate radio show, such as, let's use Gormley as an example, it is unlikely that he will take your call, or post your comments on his blog, because he runs the risk of exposing the facts.

And then of course, there's the sensationalizing of everything. We want peace and love not war, but where the heck is the news story in that?

Bigotry? No explanation needed - just listen to Rush Limbaugh, John Gormley or Bill O'Reilly.

So, in the media is, in effect, a hateful tool for censorship, that feeds Joe public with one sided views encouraging corporate greed, war, bigotry, raping the earth of it's resources, and "the old boy's club".

Enough of my rant.

I am a true blue rebel. When I die, don't waste any time mourning. Organize.

Shalom brothers and sisters.

In solidarity,

Politically Incorrect

1 comment:

myworld said...

oh we are, we are. sometimes takes awhile to organize, when everyone is busy working and trying to keep up with the Cheveldayoffs.