Thursday, February 19, 2009

Et Tu CBC?

I'm back.

I was talking to a friend of mine on the weekend, and am compelled to relate this disturbing story. We tend to think of CBC, the publicly funded broadcast subsidized with our tax dollars, who we tend to think of the most fair broadcasting. Perhaps not, folks.

Last summer he was listening to a broadcast on CBC Radio about the Summer Snack Program sponsored by the Saskatoon and District Labour Council. Yes, that's right; funded 100% by donations, primarily by union members. Well, the CBC story related how these summer students were providing food to inner city residents, mostly children, a wonderful program and how they had seen an increase in the need for the program particularly for adults. They had praise for the program, for the work of the students and for the summer job opportunities provided for them. Just a great program all around, right? Right.

A little detail omitted from the story? Where did the funding come from? Oh, no mention of that. Hmmm.

My friend called CBC to speak to them about this. He was fully aware of the program, having been a CUPE member for many years, and commented that the summer snack program sounded like a wonderful program. He had just one question. Where did the funding come from?
They responded that it was funded by the Saskatoon and District Labour Council. He asked why that hadn't been mentioned in the story. Their response? They had "time contraints". My friend went on to ask why it was that they could go on and on about other things even going on to promote companies and products but when it comes to supporting unions and labour they couldn't mention the good things that unions do. He mentioned all the things that labour does in Saskatoon including the United Way Partnership, the Summer Snack program, the Labour Day Barbecue, The Day of Mourning among others. They backed down immediately and of course, passed the buck. The response was "Talk to my manager in Regina." Sure. I'll get right on that. And hear more Anti-Union rhetoric.

Do the CBC workers remember the wages and benefits they enjoy because they belong to a union? What are you afraid of? Losing your right to strike? Perhaps you are losing that anyways. After all, it is an essential service to promote companies and products in these difficult economic times under a government that hates unions.

Et tu, CBC?

1 comment:

Larry Hubich said...

Excellent points! The lack of balance does not go unnoticed.