Monday, November 10, 2008

Hey, Sask Party are you listening?

Sure, Norris.

We are just fine with your bullshit speech. We are just going to sit and listen to you like nice little boys and girls, nod our heads and smile.

What the f*** is everyone in this province thinking? Have we lost our collective minds?

We have to RESPECT this S.O.B?
Our government is trying to strip the average working stiff of everything they work for, making it more difficult for working people to be protected from employers who may exploit them. They want to destroy everything that the labour movement has worked for, including everything that some activists have DIED for.

Sure, MR. LABOUR MINISTER, "SIR". Yes, Sir. You are doing a wonderful job. Of course you are. We all love you. Of course we should just respect you and we are childish for acting in such an awful way. We'll just sit and listen to you and kiss your ass because you are the labour minister.

If I was a Sunday school teacher and I was molesting the kids, that would be okay then and you respect me , because I was the Sunday school teacher and by the sheer power of my position I would have earned that respect?? Get a grip people. When you're screwing people, you don't deserve respect!!

I thought Mr. Hubich treated you with far more respect than you deserved. The fact that the SFL invited you in the first place, because traditionally that is what they do, was a class act. You, sir, are not a class act, nor are any of your buddies in the Sask Party.

It is about time labour started to fight back in this province. What they did to at the SFL Convention, you "poor thing" was mild.

RISE UP, RESIST, REBEL. Stop the injustice. Don't just sit idly by anymore. Enough is enough.

The Sask Party has WAY too much power.

Yours truly,

Politically Incorrect - and I don't care - because sometimes you just have to tell it like it is!

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