Thursday, September 24, 2009

John Stossel: Right wing media puppet for anti-health reform

Here are 3 videos of interest regarding John Stossel who recently left ABC's 20/20 for Fox. Seems like a much more suitable place for him. We all know Fox is "Fair and Balanced." Just like Stossel claims to be. Right....

In this video, Stossel asserts that Canada's Health Care system is inferior to the American system and uses exaggerated wait times, false statistics, biased witnesses, and... Okay. Let's call a spade a spade. It's a bunch of outright lies and bullshit.

In this one he claims that it is better if people pay because there is less waste. Oh. He forgets to mention that the $20 flu shot you can buy at Walmart may not be quite as affordable for some as for others.

Dr. David Gratzer who appeared as an "expert witness" in the first video (20/20) and lied his face off, is taken apart in this one by Dennis Kucinich. Watch the little slime ball squirm. This one is great!